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written by Emma, Anna, Kauser

Bodnu00e1r Emma


Chinese square house

Bejing square houses have usually two courtyards, in between them lays a main room, which is the biggest and nicest room of the house, where family ceremonial are celebrated and guests welcomed. All rooms are connected by halls leading to the countryards.
This arrangment embodies patriarchal thinking and offers loads of space and amiable atmosphere.



Timber is a typical house in Czech lands. What makes these houses unique are its fitting beams, which are connected by a clay mixture. By painting the connections between the beams with lime, a typical image of czech dwelling is achieved. In Roubenka you will find a peaceful and family environment. There is usually a big living room where is a big furnace where housekeeper cooks food for the whole family, it is a place where people talk and spend time together.


Loam house

It is a traditional house in Africa, where big families live together. In some countries are the loam houses oblong with roofs made from comyated sheet to save the walls from rain. Unfortunately there are many Loam houses in bad a bad state, because they are very unattended.



Iglu is a cupolshaped house build by eskimos. A house made from snow was an easy and fast way of accomodation in unfriendly conditions of north pole.
Also other people apart from eskimos use iglus, for example on hunting trips or as an accomodation for scientists rechearching in cold areas. - geschrieben von Emma

Syrische Häuser

Der Stil der syrischen Häuser ist einzigartig-genannt Damaszener Architektur. Sie haben oft einen großen runden Innenhof, in dem mittig ein zweistöckiger Springbrunnen steht. Der ganze Innenhof ist begrünt und mit blühenden Pflanzen geschmückt-fast wie ein Park. Die Hausbewohner können die schöne Aussicht durch die Fenster genießen, die Richtung Innenhof zeigen. Zur Straßenseite sind die Häuser von Arkaden umgeben.


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